Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


hey hey hey.. gw balik lagi nihh dan mau kasih tau berita buruk buat gw sih.. gak tau buat lo ya. tapi salah satu band favourite gw ini yang tadinya mau ke indonesia tapi di cancelled namanya BMTH (bring me the horizon)
nihh gw taunya dari myspacenya mereka sendiri.

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Bring Me The Horizon regretfully announce that they will not be performing at Hanggar Teras in Jakarta, Indonesia on May 21st 2009. After weeks of negotiation the promoters have still not fulfilled their side of the contract that was previously agreed.

The band felt it was best for their fans that this decision is taken now and not let the promoters sell more tickets for a show that they are not confident will take place.

We advise you to deal directly with the vendor you purchased your ticket from for a full refund as unfortunately this is out of our hands.

Bring Me The Horizon thank everyone in Indonesia for their support and promise to play as soon as possible!

yaa jdi gt deh..semoga mereka emang megang omongan mereka.

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